Indonesian Journal of Sociolinguistics 2024-11-30T03:38:43+00:00 Dr. Eka Prabawati Rum Open Journal Systems <p>Indonesian Journal of Sociolinguistics (IJS). The descriptive study of the effect of any aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations, and context, on the way language, is used, and society's effect on language. It differs from the sociology of language, which focuses on the effect of language on society. Sociolinguistics overlaps considerably with pragmatics. It is closely related to linguistic anthropology; some question the distinction between the two fields, emphasizing their historical interrelation. Key concepts: Code-switching, diglossia, language change, language ideology, language planning, multilingualism, prestige. Areas of study: Accent, dialect, register, discourse analysis, language varieties, linguistics description, pragmatics, variation.</p> THE INFLUENCE OF LOCAL LANGUAGE DIALECT ON ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILL AT SMA 1 JENEPONTO 2024-11-30T01:57:10+00:00 Hardwythanty Nur Qalbi Herlina daddi <p>The aims of this research to determine the influence of local dialects on students' speaking skills in terms of pronunciation. The subjects of this research were students of class XI SMA 1 Jeneponto with 8 students, with the characteristics of the subjects were students who grew up in Jeneponto and actively use Turatea (Jeneponto local dialect) in everyday. This research method is descriptive qualitative. The research instrument used is interview. Based on the results obtained, the results of this research indicate that most students are still influenced by local dialects on students' speaking skills in terms of pronunciation using falling intonation and syllable stress students using more two syllables and three syllables in syllable stress.</p> 2023-12-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Sociolinguistics CONTENT ANALYSIS ON MAKASSAR CULTURE IN ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING ACTIVITIES AT ISLAMIC SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL NURUL ILMI 2024-11-30T02:26:01+00:00 Nur Rahma Herlina Daddi Ariana <p>This research aimed to analyze the way Makassar culture of "siri' na pacce in utterance, attitude, solidarity and honesty" was implemented by students in teaching and learning activities of English class XI Science at SMA Islam Nurul Ilmi. In this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative research method. The researcher used non-random sampling, namely quota sampling by taking class XI Science as the research sample. The research instruments that used are observation, interview and questionnaires. The result of this research was that the found that students implement the siri' na pacce's culture, first was in utterance where students implement polite language according to the Makassar language by using lots of the words "ki" and iye'. The researcher was found 4 ways of permission used by students in the attitude section, namely when students wanted to go to the toilet, when they wanted to ask or answer questions, when they wanted to borrow other people's things and when they wanted to leave the class when the teacher was still in class with clear reasons. In the solidarity section, the researcher found 2 indicators that were interrelated, namely work team and help each other, and in the honesty section the researcher found that all students were honest in doing the exams. The siri' na pacce cultural content that was most dominantly implemented by students was the utterance and attitude section, namely the used of polite language in accordance with Makassar culture and the behavior of asking the teacher for permission before going to the toilet during English learning.</p> 2023-12-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Sociolinguistics THE EFFECT OF PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT ON STUDENTS’ ENGLISH ACHIEVEMENT OF PUBLIC JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 2024-11-30T02:37:52+00:00 Nurhidayah H. Bahrun Amin Farisha Andi Baso <p>The principal objective of this study is to know the effect of parental involvement on students’ achievement of public junior high school at SMPN 10 Bantimurung. This research used a quantitative research method. The population of this study is SMPN 10 Bantimurung second grade students total of number was 95 students, and the sample was eighth grade (8.3), which consists of 30 students. The questionnaire and documentation was used in this study. To determine parental involvement score the researcher used a likert-type questionnaire with four response options: Always, Often, Ever, and Never. And documentation was used to determine students’ achievement score that taken from students' English final examinations from the previous semester after they had completed the teaching learning process in English. The result of questionnaire showed that parental involvement was categorized into high level and students’ achievement score was categorized into enough level. The data was analyzed used Person Product Moment Formula to know the correlation between parental involvement and students’ achievement. The writer found that there was no correlation or no effect between parental involvement and students’ achievement in learning English among the eighth grade class 8.3 at SMPN 10 Bantimurung.</p> 2023-12-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Sociolinguistics TEACHERS' STRATEGIES AND CHALLENGES IN STIMULATING THE STUDENTS'CREATIVITY IN LEARNING ENGLISH 2024-11-30T02:56:18+00:00 Nurul Safitri Erwin Akib Ardiana <p>This research has a main problem about: (1) what strategies used by the teachers in stimulating the students’ creativity in learning English, (2) what challenges faced by the teachers in stimulating the students’ creativity in learning English. The researcher used a descriptive qualitative method conducted on three English teachers at SMA PPM Al-ikhlash Lampoko. The researcher used interview and observation as instruments in data collection. The results discussed showed that in stimulating the students’ creativity in learning English there were five strategies used by teacher and four challenges faced by the teachers. The five strategies used by the teachers are approaching students, giving several questions, applying discovery learning, understanding the character of students and playing game. The four challenges faced by the teachers are students had low ability in understanding English materila, students often misbehaved in the classroom, students are not confident in using English and students got bored easily in learning English.</p> 2023-12-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Sociolinguistics STUDENTS' SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS AND THEIR ENGLISH ACHIEVEMENT IN INDONESIAN PERSPECTIVE 2024-11-30T03:27:32+00:00 Rahmayani Yusri Hasnawati Latief Muh. Arief Muhsin <p>The purpose of this study was to know and explain the relationship between students’ socio-economic status and their English achievement in the 8th grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Makassar. The sample for this study consists of 29 students from class A. The data comes from a survey of the students' socioeconomic status, as well as information from the English teacher on students' English achievement and results on the odd semester final exam. Person Product Moment Correlation in SPSS Program Version 23 was used to calculate both data sets. Referring to the research question, the result shows that there was a positive significance correlation between students’ socio-economic status (X) and their English achievement (Y). It was found that the correlation value was equal to 0,535, which means the correlation between two variables is moderate (0.40–0.599), it is included in the third category. As the findings showed, r<em>xy</em>&gt;r<em>table</em>= 0.535 &gt; 0.367. Therefore, it can be concluded that the students’ higher SES had an influence on how their achievement will be measured. Future researchers should do the study with certain improvements (if using the same approach), such as the type of questionnaire, amount of samples, prior studies, and so on. The link between students' socioeconomic situation and their learning success should be shown more clearly and comprehensibly as a result of this.</p> 2023-12-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Sociolinguistics AN ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF BUGIS ACCENT ON STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL AT THE SECOND SEMESTER OF ENGLISH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT AT UNISMUH MAKASSAR 2024-11-30T03:38:43+00:00 Riska Nabila Novrianti Nunung Anugrawati Junaid <p>This research aimed to find out the the impact of of Bugis accent on students’ speaking skill at the second semester at English Education Department at Unismuh Makassar, particularly the the impact of Bugis accent to the students pronunciation when speaking English. This research was a descriptive qualitative research in type of case study. The data was collected throug observation and structured interview. The subject were the students in the second semester of English Education Department at Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. The researcher took 13 students from one class that they are coming from Bugis land. The findings showed that Bugis accent affects the students speaking skill, particularly the students’ pronunciation in consonant sounds. The first is students felt difficult to mention certain consonants in English such as the sounds of: <strong>/</strong><strong>t</strong><strong>ᶴ</strong><strong>/, </strong>/θ/, /dᴣ/, /ὸ/. The students were commonly substituted the <strong>/</strong><strong>t</strong><strong>ᶴ</strong><strong>/</strong> into /c/ sound. The sound of /θ/ was substituted into /t/ sound. The sound of /dᴣ/ was substituted into /ŋg/ or /g/ sound. And the sound of /ὸ/ was subtituted into /d/ sound. The second is the students deviated some consonant sounds in English, such as the sound of: /f/, /ᶴ/, /v/, /z/. The students were commonly deviated those sounds into nearest sound in their first language. The sound of /f was substituted into /p/ sound. The sound of /ᶴ/ was substituted into /s/ sound. The sound of /v/ sound was substituted into /f/ sound. And the /z/ sound was substituted into /s/ sound.</p> 2023-12-09T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesian Journal of Sociolinguistics