Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018): JCIE : Teaching Media, Web-blog, CALL, MALL and Games Application for Language Skills Enhancement

Journal of Computer Interaction in Education (JCIE) publishes academic articles that recognize successful engaged learning depends on effective partnerships between students, faculty, community agencies, administrators, disciplines, and more. The journal invites submission of 1) Research that emanates from or informs campus-community partnerships; 2) Studies co-authored by faculty, students, and/or community partners; 3) Literature and Teaching English as Foreign Language; and 4) Commentary on emerging trends, developments, and/or challenges. The publication of this journal aims to spread conceptual thinking or ideas and the research findings obtained in the field of English Education and Literature.
Authors and Co-Authors:
A. Yuniarti Dian Pratiwi, Hasnawati Latief, Radiah Hamid; Andriani, Erwin Akib, Amar Ma'ruf; Ikmul Sari, Sulfasyah, Farisha Andi Baso; Ita Adryani Syam , Nurdevi Bte Abdul, Saiful; Jubaidah, Bahrun Amin, Ardiana; Muh. Saefullah Al Fauzan , Ummi Khaerati Syam, Herlina Daddi; Musdalifah, Nurdevi Bte Abdul, Saiful; Nurahdatul Inayah , Erwin Akib, Muhammad Arief Muhsin; Siti Reski Nanda , Nurdevi Bte Abdul, Herlina Daddi; Zurtia Musdir, St. Asriati AM, Farisha Andi Baso