English Language Teaching Methodology 2025-01-26T15:55:26+00:00 Heri Hermawan Open Journal Systems <p>English Language Teaching Methodology (ELTM). Teaching method refers to general principles, pedagogy, andragogy, heutagogy (autodidactism) and management strategies used for classroom instruction and outdoor activity. Formulated a framework to describe various language-teaching procedures: approach, method, design, procedure, and technique. </p> <p>Online ISSN: 2810-0352, Print ISSN: 2828-1586</p> <p><strong>Nationally Accredited and Certified by </strong><strong>The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia <a title="SK sinta 5" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">(No.79/E/KPT/2023)</a> SINTA 5</strong></p> <p> </p> THE EFFECTIVENESS OF OME TV AS POINT TO POINT COMMUNICATION IN TEACHING ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILL AT SMKN 1 GOWA 2024-12-07T00:43:25+00:00 Mawarni Andi Tenri Ampa Muhammad Zia Ul Haq <p>This research aimed to find out whether the use of Ome Tv as point to point communication effective in improving students’ speaking skill in terms of vocabulary and pronunciation after being taught trough Ome Tv at the second grade of SMKN 1 Gowa. The researcher applied pre-experimental method with one group pre-test post-test design and the data were collected by giving pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The population of this study was students from Tourism Industry Department at SMKN 1 Gowa in the academic year 2021/2022. The number of population was 29 students consist of one class. The sample of the research was second grade which consisted of 29 students’. The sample was taken by total sampling technique because small population. The researcher findings show that the mean score of the students’ in vocabulary is proved by post-test was 65.14% is higher than the mean score of the students’ in pre-test 43.34%. Mean score of the students’ pronunciation is proved by post-test was 64.00% is higher than the mean score of the students’ in pre-test 44.00% and the value of the t-test is greater that t-table (t-test&gt;t-table). Vocabulary was greater than t-table (13.280&gt;1.701), the test value of pronunciation was greater than t-table (15.905&gt;1.701). It means that the null hypothesis (H<sub>0</sub>) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H<sub>1</sub>) was accepted. In other words, using Ome Tv was effective in improving students’ speaking skill in terms of vocabulary and pronunciation.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology LECTURERS’ STRATEGIES IN ENGLISH SPEAKING CLASS AT UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSAR 2024-12-12T07:01:25+00:00 Nurfareha Haris Ratna Dewi Herlina Daddi <p>This research aimed to find out the differences of the strategies used by both lecturers and to find out the targets that planned to be achieve in using each strategy especially in speaking class at Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.The research applied Descriptive Qualitative Method using observation and interview sheet as instrument of the research, the subject in this study was two English speaking lecturers. Subject was taken by using the Purposive Sampling Technique. The data obtained was also analyzed using data reduction, data display, and data verification.Based on the research findings, in teaching speaking, Lecturer A used Presentation and Talks Strategy with the materials “Giving Compliment” and “Making Testimony” with the target students are able to make verbal presentation and used various forms of expression in everyday life. Meanwhile Lecture B also used Presentation and Talks Strategy with the materials “Present Perfect Tense” and “Passive Voice” with the target to make students say something in English with a good grammar and good pronunciation. Lecturer A &amp; B have differences target in teaching English speaking, but they still have a correlation which they wanted to make students speak or talk actively.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION AS COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITY IN ENCHANCING STUDENTS’ SPEAKING SKILL AT SMAN 5 BARRU 2024-12-13T04:00:54+00:00 Nirma Sujariati Ariana <p>This article identifies a problem with students' ability to speak in public, especially in the use of English. Therefore, the researcher provides a method as a goal to improve the speaking ability of students specifically in the use of English. therefore, researching a method in this case Focus Group Discussion as a Communicative Activity in Improving Students' Speaking Skills at SMAN 5 Barru. From this article, speaking improvement can be contained from two things, namely looking at the conversation and how much vocabulary is used as a benchmark for improving students' speaking. The method used by the researcher is a quantitative research model with three stages, namely pre-test, treatment and post-test to obtain results. From these results, after being given the Focus Group Discussion method, there was an increase from before the method was given. Therefore, the Focus Group Discussion method is good to use in the learning process to improve students' speaking skills, especially in learning English.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology TEACHING ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILL THROUGH CAKE APPLICATION FOR TENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMA MUHAMMADIYAH 1 UNISMUH MAKASSAR 2024-12-14T05:01:03+00:00 Fauzia Hasmin Erwin Akib Maharida <p>This research aims to find out is there any improvement of the students’ speaking accuracy especially in their vocabulary and pronunciation by using “CAKE” application for the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Unismuh Makassar. The researcher used a pre-experimental research using quantitative design. The population was the tenth grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Unismuh Makassar and the sample was X MIA class that was selected by using purposive sampling technique. The instrument used was speaking test which contain pre-test, treatment and post-test.The research findings indicated that the use of “CAKE” application in teaching speaking accuracy especially in vocabulary and pronunciation were giving significant effect to the students’ speaking ability. It was proved by the mean score of students speaking accuracy in vocabulary of the pre-test was 66.84 then improved to be 77.04 in post-test and the mean score of students’ speaking accuracy in pronunciation of the pre-test was 66.08 then improved to be 77.08 in post-test. In addition, t-test value higher than the t-table value (17.791&gt;2,064). It means that there is an improvement by using “CAKE” application to improve students’ speaking accuracy in vocabulary and pronunciation.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology INTEGRATING COMMUNICATIVE TASKS AND COGNITIVE APPROACH IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE SPEAKING SKILLS AT SMPN 3 BAJENG 2024-12-16T06:23:24+00:00 Surahmi Sabar Syamsiarna Nappu Junaid <p>This thesis aims to find out the effect of Integrating Communicative tasks and Cognitive Approaches on students’ English Language Speaking skills in terms of pronunciation and fluency for the first grade of SMPN 3 Bajeng.Pre-test and post-test were employed in this pre-experimental study. The kids at SMP Negeri 3 Bajeng VII grade make up the population of this study, and the researcher employed random cluster sampling to create the sample. The study's sample consisted of 27 pupils. A speaking test with 4 questions served as the research tool.The analysis of the data reveals that before the treatment, there was a difference in the scores of the students taking the pre-test and post-tests. The fact that the post-test score of 57.40 is greater than the pre-test average of 35.18 indicates that pupils have improved their pronunciation skills. Pre-test 34.25 and post-test 64.81 together demonstrate the student's fluency's mean score. Additionally, it was determined through the t-test analysis that the t-test value was higher than the t-table; the value was 11.83&gt;2.05. Hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the Alternative Hypothesis (H1) is accepted as the result of this study's hypothesis. It means that integrating communicative tasks and cognitive approach has an effect on the pronunciation and fluency of students in speaking skills.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology ASSESSING THE STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION USING CONFERENCE TECHNIQUE 2024-12-02T03:31:20+00:00 Muhammad Eka Firmansyah Wiyaka Entika Fani Prastikawati <p>Reading comprehension involves the interaction of the reader, text, and context. Reading comprehension is important because enhances understanding of text and know the detail of the text. This research aimed to improve the student’s comprehension in reading the text and as a medium for assessing English students' reading. The research was undertaken in Junior High School (SMP) N 6 Semarang. The research chose one class and the sample consisted of 34 students in 8C. The researchers used ex-post facto and this research used a quantitative method to measure how well they comprehend the text and assessed two tests to students. The first test was assessed multiple choice test and the second test was assessed conference technique. The data was collected by providing 25 questions using multiple choice test and giving a descriptive text using conference technique. The data analysis technique used ordinary scoring for multiple choice test and a rubric for conference technique. The researchers analyzed the collected data by using paired sample t-test. The result of two tests analysis showed that the value of Sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000 &lt; 0.005, so it means that there is a significant difference reading comprehension when students assessed with different instruments, which is multiple choice test and conference technique and mean of multiple-choice test is 79.05 and mean of conference technique is 86.85, it can be concluded that mean of conference technique is higher than multiple choice, so there is difference between two tests. The last, the result of multiple-choice test and conference technique proved that these two tests have an improvement or significance in students’ reading comprehension.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology THE USE OF SPINNING WHEEL MEDIA IN LEARNING TO SPEAK IN THE CLASS X SMAN 6 BONTOA MAROS 2024-12-16T08:09:45+00:00 Yuliana Yuliana Eny Syatriana Hijrah <p>This study aims to determine whether there is an influence on the use of spinning wheel media in speaking, especially in the vocabulary and fluency of students in class X Sman 6 Bontoa Maros. This study uses a pre-experimental method to analyze data with a quantitative design. The instruments used were speaking tests and oral tests which consisted of a pre-test, treatment and post-test. The population is students in class X Sman 6 Bontoa Maros and the sample is X MIPA 1 with the use of purposive sampling technique.. This opinion was proven by the results of students' scores in the form of speaking texts, things This can be seen by the higher post-test average scores, namely vocabulary (79.10) and fluency (85.73) compared to the pre-test vocabulary (44.47) and fluency (46.31). Furthermore, there was an increase of 77.0% (vocabulary) and 85.0% (fluency) in learning to use spinning wheel media for six meetings. In addition, the difference in the value of the t-test is higher than the value of the vocabulary t-table (73.262 &gt; 2.101) and fluency (21.075 &gt; 2.101).</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology THE IMPACT OF INSTRUCTIONAL INTERVENTION ON STUDENTS’ READING COMPREHENSION WITH ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT 2024-12-17T05:25:01+00:00 Sukma Pebriani Syam St. Asriati AM Herlina Daddi <p>This research aimed to find out the impact of instructional intervention on students' reading comprehension with analytical exposition text. The instrument of this research used a test about analytical exposition text that consisted of 20 question of multiple choice. This research used pre- experimental research that consist of pre-test, treatment and post-test. The sample of this research was class XI of SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Makassar that consisted of 20 students. The sample used a total sampling technique. The data was analyzed using SPSS 29.00. The results of this research showed that the score of pre-test was 28.5 classified as very poor categorized and post-test was 62.5 classified as fair categorized. This research also showed the value of t-test was higher than the value of t- table (T-test &gt; T-table). The value of t-test was 13.309 and the value of t-table was 2.093. It means the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. Based on the research results, the researcher concluded that the implementation of an instructional intervention was effective to improve students’ reading comprehension</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology SOUNDCLOUD APPLICATION: CAN IT ENHANCE THE STUDENTS’ LISTENING COMPREHENSION? 2024-11-23T06:52:36+00:00 Nandadewa Aji Putra Entika Fani Prastikawati Ajeng Setyorini <p>English is essential to learn in today’s world, with numerous methods available for effective acquisition. First English skill that learners’ have to master is listening. Although listening is the first skill to master, however it is challenging to teach English listening in class. Due to the difficulty of teaching English listening, teacher starting to implementing teaching media to teach English. This research aims is to investigate whether using SoundCloud application can enhances students’ listening comprehension. By involving tenth-grader students,72 participant that divided into experiment and control group. Pre-test and Post-test are uses to collect the data. After the data was gathered, the data analyzed via SPSS 26. The result of this study revealed that SoundCloud can improve the students’ listening comprehension. This result was derived from the data that experimental group has higher achievement in listening comprehension rather than control group. To conclude, SoundCloud application is an alternative tool to be implemented in the listening comprehension session. Additionally, SoundCloud does not only provide an enjoyable way to teach English listening but also significantly boost the students' listening comprehension</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology TEACHERS’ STRATEGIES TO DEVELOP COGNITIVE DOMAIN STUDENTS’ AT SMPN 33 SINJAI 2024-12-17T07:15:14+00:00 Nurfadillah Eka Prabawati Rum Ardiana <p>This study was conducted to determine the purpose of the study, namely to describe Teachers’ strategies to develop students’ cognitive domain SMPN 33 Sinjai. The subjects in this study were two teachers and six students of SMPN 33 Sinjai. The purpose of this study is to find out the English teacher strategies to develop students’ cognitive domains and to find out the students’ responses toward the strategies implemented by teachers in developing cognitive domains. The instruments used to collect data are observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis in this study is Analysis (QDA), Data Reduction, and Data Display.The results showed that the English teachers' strategies to develop students’ cognitive domain consisted of two strategies, namely the first is simple repetition, the second is using games to get students interested and the students’ responses toward the strategies implemented by the teacher is developing cognitive domains, namely the student response to the simple repetition strategy and the student response using games to get students interested.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology THE DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF YOUTUBE LEARNING VIDEO ON STUDENTS' COMPETENCE IN UNDERSTANDING READING NARRATIVE TEXT AT THE NINTH GRADE OF UPTD SMP NEGERI 2 GUNUNGSITOLI UTARA 2024-12-03T05:57:17+00:00 Stevani Aurelya Harefa Yaredi Waruwu Trisman Harefa Afore Tahir Harefa <p>This research aims to analyze students' competence in understanding narrative texts through YouTube learning videos and to compare students' reading abilities before and after using these learning videos. This research was conducted on class IX-A students at UPTD SMP Negeri 2 Gunungsitoli Utara. There were 23 students, consisting of 13 men and 10 women. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. Data was obtained through questionnaires and documentation. Questionnaires were given to identify students' perceptions regarding the effectiveness of YouTube videos as a learning medium, while documentation was used to see differences in students' reading scores before and after using videos. The results showed that the use of YouTube videos significantly improved students' understanding of narrative texts, with an increase in reading scores after using the videos. The use of videos also provides a more enjoyable learning atmosphere, increases motivation, and makes it easier for students to master narrative text material.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology TRILINGUAL FOLKSONGS BOOK: TRANSLATING TANA LUWU FOLKSONGS INTO AN ENGLISH-INDONESIAN SONGBOOK 2024-08-29T09:18:51+00:00 Sahraini St. Hartina Husnaini Novi Syarani <p>Translating folk songs into English or another language can play a crucial role in ensuring the survival of these traditions in a globalized world. This research attempted to design of the translation of &nbsp;Tana Luwu folksongs into Indonesian-English songs book. The research question of this research is “How is the appropriate &nbsp;design of &nbsp;English-Indonesian Translation book of Tana Luwu folksongs?”. The participants of this research were&nbsp; students at SMAN 3 Luwu in tenth grade. The research was Research and Development (R&amp;D) utilizing the 4D model. It consists of defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. This research used several instrumens: a questionnaire and interview for need analysis, an experts’ validation, and a questionnaire for students’ and teachers’ perceptions. The researcher employed Nida &amp; Taber's (2003) Translation theory to interpret the song's figurative&nbsp;language. The outcomes of this research is&nbsp; Trilingual folksongs book which consists 11 compilation of Tana Luwu Folksongs translated in English and Indonesian, then equipped with vocabulary list and barcode for each song. In this research, three experts were involved in validating the product, therefore the research shows that based on expert validation and student and teacher perceptions, this research product is feasible to use globally. Folk song translations book&nbsp;&nbsp;can be a way for these people to re-establish a relationship with their heritage by giving them an opportunity to experiencing and comprehending their cultural origins in a language that is more familiar to them.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology A CONTENT ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH TEXTBOOK ENTITLED “WHEN ENGLISH RINGS A BELL” 2024-12-19T04:45:25+00:00 Iin Widyastuti Andi Tenrisanna Syam Amalia Yahya <p class="JONEDAbstractBodyEnglish" style="text-indent: 0cm;"><span lang="IN" style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: 'Goudy Old Style',serif;">The purpose of this research is to evaluate the suitability of the materials in the English textbook titled "When English Rings A Bell" for second-grade junior high school students at UPT SMP Negeri 1 Tana Lili, in terms of content, language, and presentation as determined by BSNP (Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan). This study employs content analysis methodology, with researchers acting as human instruments. The instrument was completed using several statement items in a checklist based on BSNP's textbook evaluation criteria. The results indicate that the textbook is systematic, balanced, and student-centred, supporting autonomous learning and self-evaluation. However, continuous improvements are necessary to optimize its content and presentation fully.</span></p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology FACTORS INFLUENCING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ENGLISH READING CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT AT THE EIGHTH GRADE OF UPTD SMP NEGERI 1 GUNUNGSITOLI BARAT 2024-11-30T06:15:52+00:00 Six Sendi Cahaya Cerah Zebua Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua Afore Tahir Harefa Adieli Laoli <p>Classroom management competencies have a major impact on student learning and academic achievement. The main aspects that need to be evaluated in this classroom management effectiveness setting include the teacher's role, the classroom environment and student characteristics. First, the teacher's role in classroom management has an impact on its effectiveness. Teachers with strong classroom management skills usually produce a positive, disciplined and structured learning environment. Conversely, a teacher's failure to control the classroom can result in learning disruptions, demotivated students and difficulty achieving learning objectives. Classroom management is an important part of optimizing the role and potential of educators in learning. The key to successful learning is improving the quality of student learning. This study aims to describe the realization of classroom management by English teachers and find out what the factors are that influence the effectiveness of classroom management in learning English reading, especially in class VIII-B at UPTD SMP Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli Barat. The method used in this research is qualitative research with an inductive approach. Data were obtained through observations and interviews with English teacher. Data from the observation sheet was analyzed to find out the indicators that have been implemented by English teachers in managing the classroom in learning to read English. Meanwhile, the interview data was analyzed to find out what the factors are that influence the effectiveness of classroom management in learning to read English. The results showed that English teacher have Classroom management was realized, although it has yet to be fully deployed. The following aspects influence the success of classroom management in learning to read English: information about student needs, time management, and teacher experience.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology ENGAGING INDONESIAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN READING ACTIVITIES THROUGH WEB-BASED EDUCATIONAL GAMES 2024-12-16T03:15:08+00:00 Windyana Angelica Imro’atul Husna Afriani <p>Reading interest among elementary school students is a critical factor in fostering literacy and academic success. However, traditional methods often struggle to capture student’s attention in increasingly digital learning environments. This study examines the impact of Wordwall, an online educational game, on increasing Indonesian elementary school students' interest in reading. Using a qualitative case study approach, the research investigates how interactive digital technologies, such as Wordwall, affect student motivation and vocabulary acquisition. Data were collected through classroom observations, interviews, and student feedback, focusing on a group of 5th-grade students. The results show that Wordwall transformed standard reading sessions into engaging, game-like experiences, making learning enjoyable and effective. The platform’s use of immediate feedback and visual aids helped improve student enthusiasm and vocabulary retention. This study highlights the potential of web-based educational games to create dynamic learning environments, improve student engagement, and address common challenges in Indonesian education, such as overcrowded classrooms and limited resources.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology USING PICTURE OF LUWU CULTURE ACTIVITY FOR TEACHING VOCABULARY 2024-12-14T06:54:59+00:00 Nurdiana Tandi Langi Masruddin Ermawati Husnaini <p>The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not junior high school students in Palopo, Indonesia, could effectively increase their vocabulary through the usage of pictures of Luwu culture activity. It applied pre-experimental research with one group pre-test and post-test design. The 210 eighth grade students at a junior high school in Palopo during the 2024 academic year represented as the research population. Class 8, which was an experimental class with 33 students, served as the sample. To gather data, the researcher employed tests. A quantitative analysis was conducted on the data. The results showed that students' vocabulary can be improved by integrating pictures of Luwu culture in their activities. The value of the t-test verified it. The t-test value of 11.853 was greater than the t-table value of 2.021. This number indicates that there was significant difference between the students’ pre- and post-test results. It was determined that using pictures of Luwu culture activities can help students become more proficient with vocabulary.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology PROMOTING VOCABULARY ENRICHMENT THROUGH QUIZIZZ ENGAGEMENT IN INDONESIAN VOCATIONAL SCHOOL : A QUALITATIVE STUDY 2024-12-16T06:22:13+00:00 Eva Wulaningrum Devi Novitasari <p>This study is an investigation of the use of Quizizz as a learning media to promote vocabulary. This research uses a qualitative case study approach by conducting observations, interviews, and reflective journals to collect in-depth information about the use of Quizizz in vocabulary enrichment. The subjects of this study were 11th-grade students in the couture major at one of the vocational schools, totalling 14 students. In the research, it was found that students felt motivated and engaged to use Quizizz because of the features that made its use more fun. It can be concluded that this study has progressed in terms of student vocabulary enrichment. Thus, Quizizz proved to be effective as an additional learning media because the interesting features in it make students motivated and active in class. This finding shows that integrating Quizizz into classroom teaching can have a positive impact on students' vocabulary learning.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology THE EFFECT OF ELSA SPEAK ON PRONOUNCIATION OF ENGLISH SPEAKING AT VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 2024-12-19T06:51:03+00:00 Widya Rizki Nuraini Mochamad Ardi Setyawan Rizky Nurfida Pambayun <p>Based on the observations made by the researcher, it appears that certain students continue to experience challenges in pronouncing specific words. The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of the ELSA Speak Application on enhancing students' pronunciation skills. The research design employed was pre-experimental, utilizing a quantitative approach. The researcher implemented cluster sampling, selecting one class comprising 19 students as the sample group. A pronunciation test served as the data collection technique. The researcher conducted a pretest prior to the treatment involving the ELSA Speak Application and subsequently administered a posttest following the treatment. Data collection was executed through this testing method. To analyze the data, the researcher employed the paired sample t-test formula using SPSS 21. The analysis revealed a significant effect of the ELSA Speak Application on improving students' pronunciation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology AN ANALYSIS WASHBACK AUTHORITY OF STANDARDIZED EDUCATIONAL TESTS ON ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTRUCTIONS 2024-11-06T09:05:42+00:00 Lala Nining Indrawati Yulia Agustina Hajriana Arfah Usuluddin <p>Standardized evaluations are a widely used tool in education and assessment. These evaluations are carefully designed to present uniform questions and instructions to all participants, ensuring consistent measurement of a student’s knowledge or skills in a specific area. They play a crucial role in assessing and enhancing students’ proficiency in the English language. Hence The purpose of this study is to examine the washback effect of standardized testing in the English language subject. The researcher employed a descriptive qualitative method, utilizing a sample of 10 eighth-semester students majoring in English and 3 lecturers at Hamzanwadi University. The sampling technique used was random sampling, while data collection methods included observation, interviews, and documentation. The findings of this study reveal that standardized tests have a significant impact on the teaching and learning process. These tests often create pressure for both students and teachers, which can lead to stress and anxiety during examinations. Additionally, they can inhibit creativity in teaching methods and result in students struggling to understand the material. Consequently, students may become focused solely on passing exams rather than genuinely comprehending the subject matter. Further elaboration on these points is discussed in detail in the following discussion section</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology ANALYSIS OF VISITOR INTEREST IN THE MUSEUM PUSAKA NIAS AS A NATURAL TOURIST ATTRACTION IN 2023/2024 2024-12-06T06:32:05+00:00 Fanni Apriani Waruwu Trisman Harefa Elwin Piarawan Zebua Riswan Zega <p>Indonesia is a country that has a variety of cultures and historical heritage from various tribes, cultures, religions, races, as well as heritage from regions in the Indonesian archipelago. This cultural diversity has the potential to be used as cultural tourism by introducing the culture of a region or country. The Nias Islands have cultural tourism at the Museum Pusaka Nias. This research aimed to find out how interested visitors are in the services at the Museum Pusaka Nias, to find out what makes visitors interested in visiting the Museum Pusaka Nias dan to find out the factors that influence visitors interest in the Museum Pusaka Nias by using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques done through observation, interviews and documentation visitors. The data collected were analyzed to identify themes and factors that influenced visitors’ interest, including personal experiences, knowledge of Nias culture, and expectations of tourist attractions. The research results showed that visitors interests is influenced by various factors, including motivation to learn about Nias culture, the expected experience, and the quality of services provided by the museum. Visitors have a higher interest in animal viewing and recreational activities as well as learning about culture compared to other aspects offered by museums. Factors such as natural beauty, quality of recreational experiences, and a calm atmosphere are the main attractions. Visitors also expressed a desire for better programs, suggesting that the museum could increase its appeal by offering more interactive and nature-oriented experiences. The feeling of joy that when you visit something is in line with your expectations, this will lead to visitors’ satisfaction. It is hoped that this research can provide recommendations for museum managers in improving tourist attractions and visitor experiences.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology COOPERATIVE LEARNING:benefits and challenges according to the English teacher 2025-01-26T15:55:26+00:00 Heri Hermawan Syahrul Ibnumal <p>Cooperative learning fosters collaborative environments where students actively engage with their peers, promoting mutual support and shared responsibility in achieving learning objectives. The objectives of this research are formulated to identify the benefits and challenges of the implementation of cooperative learning in SMAN 16 Pangkep according to the English teacher. A case study research methodology was used in the study. A case study is a technique that allows one to fully understand a topic or event in a real-world setting. It is a popular study approach in many different fields. A case study is a thorough examination of a person, group, or society in which the researcher looks at a lot of information on a lot of different things. Although not always, case study data are typically in a qualitative style. The effectiveness of a teaching method is contingent upon various factors, including the specific context, learning objectives, and the preferences of both teachers and students. While cooperative learning has demonstrated efficacy in numerous scenarios, it is recognized that alternative methods may also be suitable depending on the unique needs and characteristics of the class. This highlights the value of educators being open to exploring and adapting different instructional strategies to best meet the requirements of their students.</p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology