English Language Teaching Methodology https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm <p>English Language Teaching Methodology (ELTM). Teaching method refers to general principles, pedagogy, andragogy, heutagogy (autodidactism) and management strategies used for classroom instruction and outdoor activity. Formulated a framework to describe various language-teaching procedures: approach, method, design, procedure, and technique. </p> <p>Online ISSN: 2810-0352, Print ISSN: 2828-1586</p> <p><strong>Nationally Accredited and Certified by </strong><strong>The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia <a title="SK sinta 5" href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J4amuKaO4JTgAZjclqh49H9wf66GrYqE/view?usp=sharing" target="_blank" rel="noopener">(No.79/E/KPT/2023)</a> SINTA 5</strong></p> <p> </p> en-US herihermawan@unismuh.ac.id (Heri Hermawan) publication@bg.unismuhmakassar.ac.id (Ardiana) Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 INCREASING THE STUDENTS READING COMPREHENSION OF REPORT TEXT WITH SOCRATIVE APPLICATION https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/13 <p>This research aims to find out the increasing of students reading comprehension of report text by using Socrative Application, especially on literal comprehension and interpretive comprehension in 10th grade students of SMA Negeri 14 Makassar.The research applied Pre-Experimental Method using one group pre-test and post-test research and collect data through pre-test and post-test instruments. The sample in this study was X MIPA 4 SMA Negeri 14 Makassar which amounted to 36 students. Samples was taken by using the Purposive Sampling Technique. The data obtained was also analyzed using SPSS Application version 25. Based on the research findings, before utilizing the advantages of the Socrative Application, namely ease of use, educational benefits or instant feedback, and quiz format and assessment of student mean score on literal comprehension is 49.4 and interpretive comprehension is 41.6. After utilizing the advantages of the Socrative Application the average student on literal comprehension becomes 70, while for interpretive comprehension is 51.2. The occurrence of this significant increase in literal comprehension is due to the advantages of the Socrative Application which can increase students' literal comprehension while the absence of significant increase in students' interpretive comprehension occurs due to the difficulty of students inrking conclusions on the Socrative Application.Therefore, based on these results, it is recommended to use Socrative Application at reading comprehension, especially in literal comprehension.</p> Vinky Audrini Sahrir, Radiah Hamid, Awaliah Azis Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/13 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE USE OF BERLITZ METHOD TO IMPROVE STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY IN DESCRIPTIVE TEXT https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/18 <p>The objective of this research is find out whether Berlitz Method improve students’ vocabulary in English Learning Vocabulary or not. The researcher applied Classroom Action Research (CAR). The sample of the research was <em>the Seventh Grade of SMP Pesantren Guppi Samata Gowa </em> and take class VII A with a research sample of 20 students.The results showed that the students of class VII A at SMP Pesantren Guppi Samata experienced an increase from cycle I to cycle II. Improved vocabulary comprehension through the Berlitz Method This indicates a significant increase in students' reading comprehension from the diagnostic test to cycle I and cycle II, where the average score on the diagnostic test was 42.75. cycle I get the average value to 68.25. There was also a significant increase from cycle I to cycle II where the average student in cycle II was 84.25. From these findings, the researcher concludes that the use of the Berlitz method can improve students' vocabulary skills and make students active in the learning process</p> Musliyadi, Nur Qalbi, Ratu Yulianti Natsir Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/18 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 TEACHING ENGLISH READING MATERIALS THROUGH TEAM-BASED-PROJECT IN SMPN 4 BISSAPPU https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/21 <p>This study aims to improve students' reading ability related to understanding main ideas and supporting ideas. This research is quantitative research. The subjects of this study were students of class VIII.. In analyzing the data, researchers used data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. This research is a pre-experimental design research using pre-test and post-test. The population in this study were students of class VIII SMP Negeri 4 Bissappu and for sampling the researchers used random sampling. The research sample was 25 students.The results of the data show that there is a difference between the students' pre-test and post-test. The main score of the students before being given treatment was 52.5 and increased to 80.36 after applying the Team-Based-Project. In addition, from the t-test analysis, the t-test value is greater than the t-table, the students' total vocabulary mastery (8.34&gt;1.714).</p> Suci Indah Sari, Maharida, Saiful Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/21 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS ON THE USE OF PEER- CORRECTION AND SELF-CORRECTION TECHNIQUE TO TEACH WRITING https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/269 <p>This study aims to determine the teacher's perception of the use of peer-correction and self-correction techniques to teach writing. This research method is a qualitative descriptive method. Research data were collected through interviews. Data were taken from two English teachers at SMAN 5 SELAYAR.The results of the study reveal that teachers believe that Peer-Correction and Self-Correction Techniques in Teaching Writing have a positive influence on students to gain knowledge, especially in writing lessons. In addition, Peer-Correction and Self-Correction techniques are suitable for use at every level of students. The researcher also found that the teacher had an important role in determining the type of material that was suitable for the learning objectives.</p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> Mustika, Hj. Andi Tenri Ampa, Farisha Andi Baso Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/269 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 IMPLEMENTING HYPERCORRECTION APPROACH TO REDUCE THE STUDENTS FOSSILIZATION IN ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION AT SMA NEGERI 7 SELAYAR https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/306 <p>The purpose based on this research was to find out whether or not the hypercorrection approach reduces the student’s fossilization in English pronunciation at SMA Negeri 7 Selayar. The researcher used a pre-experimental design and quantitative method using one class for a pre-test and post-test.In the 2022–2023 academic year, the population of this study were 32 students of class 10 IPA at SMA Negeri 7 Selayar. To determine the research sample, cluster sampling method is used. The speaking test is used a data collection method.The results show of the study show that the application of the hypercorrection approach can reduce the fossilization of students’ pronunciation in vowels (/i:/, /I/, /e/, /æ/). This is evidenced by using pre-test scores (39.53) and a post-tests score(72.18), which shows that in addition to the test scores, students’ pronunciation in the post-test is higher than the pre-test. (29.10) which is higher based on the t-table value (1.696). As a result, the Null hypothesis was refuted and the alternative hypothesis was adopted. In the study the researcher came to the conclusion that Hypercorrection reduces student’s fossilization of pronunciation.</p> <p><br /><br /></p> Sitti Hajar, Eka Prabawati Rum, Ika Sastrawati Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/306 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE EFFECT OF CONTEXTUAL REDEFINITION STRATEGY (CRS) ON STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY IN READING COMPREHENSION AT THE 10th GRADE OF SMK NEGERI 2 SELAYAR https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/311 <p>This study aims to find out whether Contextual Redefinition Strategy (CRS) was effective to enhance vocabulary at the 10th grade of SMK Negeri 2 Selayar. This research used quasi experimental design. The population of this research was the tenth-grade students of SMK Negeri 2 Selayar which consisted of 60 students. The sample of this research was 40 students taken by purposive sampling technique. The researcher used vocabulary test as the instrument of this research. Based on the research findings, the result showed that using Contextual Redefinition Strategy (CRS) was effective to enhance students’ vocabulary. It is proved by the means score of post–test between experimental group and control group. The means score in experimental group before and after treatment (47.15 became 89.50) and in control group before and after treatment (44.05 became 59.40) Moreover, the findings revealed that p-value of post-test score was 0.000 with the level significance 5% (0.05). It can be concluded that p-value (0.000) &lt; sig ɑ = (0.05, 5%). Then, the effect size gained was 2.8. Thus, it proved that Contextual Redefinition Strategy (CRS) was effective at a strong level on students’ vocabulary in reading comprehension. <em> </em></p> Lilih Insyirah, Firman, Ariana Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/311 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE STUDENTS PHONOLOGICAL AWARENESS ON READING COMPREHENSION AT SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/427 <p>This research aims to find out the significant correlation between students` phonological awareness and reading comprehension at senior high school. This research employs a descriptive quantitative research design. The research population consisted of 21 samples from Ma Pesantren Al-Tenth Qamar's grade. Purposive sampling was used, and data was collected using phonological awareness and reading comprehension tests. The data was analyzed using SPSS 25.0 by the researcher. The average of the phonological awareness test was 79,28, and the average of the reading comprehension test was 72,85, based on findings of this study. At the 0.05 level of significance, the correlation coefficient was 0.711. The correlation coefficient (0.711) was within the range of 0.600 - 0.800, indicating that the interpretation of correlation could be classified as enough. Based on the findings, it was possible to conclude that the correlation coefficient Ha was accepted. As a result, there was a strong relationship between students' phonological awareness and reading comprehension</p> Nursyahreni Alamsyah, Muhammad Zia Ul Haq Copyright (c) 2023 English Language Teaching Methodology https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/427 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 TEACHERS’ STRATEGIES AND STUDENTS’ PROBLEM IN ENGLISH SPEAKING https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/502 <p>This study aimed to find out students' problem in English speaking and the teachers' strategies to overcome students problem in English speaking. In this study, researcher used descriptive qualitative method to describe and interprete an object in accordance with reality. Descriptive methods implemented for data analysis presented descriptively. The subjects of this study were 2 English Teachers of SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Makassar and 5 students’ of the 10 grade that were randomly chosen. The instrument used to get data was interview.The results of all data collected by interviewing the students’ problem in speaking are lack motivation, shyness, and anxiety when they speak English and the teacher strategy in english used direct method in maintain the problems and made sudents accustomed to English by always using english in class during the teaching and learning process.</p> Muhammad Hamzah, Syamsiarna Nappu, Hijrah Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/502 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 USING SHADOWING TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING SPEAKING TO THE ELEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF MAS DARUL FATH BONTOLANGKASA https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/526 <p>The objective of this research was to find out&nbsp; the students’ speaking skill by using shadowing technique at the Eleventh Grade of MAS Darul Fath&nbsp; Bontolangkasa The researcher used a pre-experimental research is included in the Quantitative method. Quantitative method is a method of collecting and analysing&nbsp; data from various sources in an organized manner. Quantitative method which emphasized on Shadowing Technique application as treatment and it’s impact on student speaking skill. Purposive sampling technique to be used in this research. It consisted&nbsp; 1 class of the students, the number of population was 7 students.The sample of this research&nbsp; was class XI in which the number of the sample was 7&nbsp; students. The instrument of this research was used speaking test. In collecting the data the researcher used test namely speaking test which was distributed in pre-test and post-test and used the research instrument was speaking test.&nbsp;Based on the findings, it was found that students were could be taught to speaking&nbsp; and indicated that achievement of the Eleventh Grade of&nbsp; MAS Darul&nbsp; Fath&nbsp; Bontolangkasa was improved by using&nbsp; shadowing technique .This was&nbsp; evidenced by the mean score in terms of content pre-test was 61 and post-test was 80the improvement of the content was 0.32 %&nbsp; which means there was significant difference between pre-test and post-test. Based on the research finding the researcher concluded that using shadowing technique in teaching English for students’ proven&nbsp; improved&nbsp; their speaking skill.</p> Misrawati, Nunung Anugrawati, Yassir Mallapiang Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/526 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION OF CANVA APPLICATION AS A TOOL IN LEARNING WRITING SKILL https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/1103 <p>The use of technology in English language learning can bring tremendous effects because it provides students with enjoyable learning opportunities and facilitates the development of their English language skills. In this context, the study aimed to investigate students’ perceptions of using the Canva application as a tool for learning writing skills in the explanatory text, namely cause and effect in SMA Negeri 11 Semarang in the academic year 2022/2023. The study was conducted using qualitative research. The sample of the respondents was XI MIPA 6 with a total of 36 students. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. A survey technique was used to collect the data by distributing the proposed questionnaire to the respondents through Google Forms. A questionnaire was used as an instrument consisting of 3 indicators requiring 10 items to obtain data related to measure students’ viewpoints on the utilization of Canva in learning writing skills. This study revealed that the Canva application proved to be a valuable resource in assisting students in cultivating their writing skills and it is regarded as a user-friendly resource since it can be conveniently reached via smartphones and personal computers. The features of Canva empower learners to exhibit their creativity in writing by using a wide variety of templates. It concludes that students can improve the quality of their writing by using Canva as a technological medium in the 21<sup>st</sup> century. Canva is a fascinating and well-chosen application and can be viewed by students as a valuable and functional learning tool to boost their writing.</p> Rena Eka, Siti Musarokah, Priharyanti Copyright (c) 2023 English Language Teaching Methodology https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/1103 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING CAKE APPLICATION ON STUDENTS' PRONUNCIATION SKILLS AT SMP UNISMUH MAKASSAR https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/536 <p>This study aims to find out the use of Cake Application in improving the students' pronunciation skills at the nine grade of SMP Unismuh Makassar.This research used quantitative research with a pre-experimental approach. The researcher gave pre-test to the students, and then the researcher gave the students’ treatment using Cake Application. After giving treatment, researcher gave post-test to the students. The population in this study were students of the class IX SMP Unismuh Makassar. The sample of this research was the students of the class IX.A, included 33 students.The result showed that the t-test value was higher than t-table value. The t-test value of pronunciation is greater than t-table (8.21&gt;2.03693). It was concluded that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. That means there were significant differences students' pronounciation skill before and after using the Cake Application. The research conducted shows that the use of Cake Application on students’ pronunciation skills was effective.</p> Sri Hermawati, Nurdevi Bte Abdul, St. Asmayanti AM Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/536 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 AN ANALYSIS ON EMPHATIC LISTENING STYLE IN EFL CLASSROOM https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/553 <div><span lang="EN-US">The objectives of this research are: (1) To explore the styles of empathic listening skill used by EFL teacher in the classroom at SMP Negeri 4 Majauleng; (2) To determine EFL students’ perceptions toward empathic listening skill in the classroom at SMP Negeri 4 Majauleng. This study employed a qualitative research methodology. The researcher used a qualitative method, observing classrooms through video and audio recording, documentation, and interviews with teachers and students. The subject of the research was 20 students from one class who have participated in emphatic learning activities and assessed their views of emphatic listening in the learning activity SMP Negeri 4 Majauleng. The instrument of the research used observationand Interview. The Result of the research show that EFL teacher of SMP Negeri 4 Majauleng applied five empathic listening styles, they are questioning, advising, judging, analyzing and supporting. The students gave positive perception toward the used of empathic listening skill by the teacher in the classroom due to the fact that the emphatic listening gave good influence to the listening skill of the students.</span></div> Mardhatillah Arief, Eny Syatriana, Sitti Maryam Hamid Copyright (c) 2023 English Language Teaching Methodology https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/553 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 AN ANALYSIS OF CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT USED BY TEACHER IN TEACHING ENGLISH https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/556 <p>This research used a qualitative research design. The English teacher at SMAN 1 Enrekang's 11 IPA 1 grade served as the study's subject. In-depth interviews and observation were the research tools used to get the data. For both the interview and the field notes, the researcher utilized semi-structured questions. The five aspects of classroom management that were the focus of the study were discipline, rules and routines, relationships, engaged and motivated instruction, and physical design. The actual layout of the teacher's classroom had two separate seating configurations. The first arrangement was in tidy rows for when the teacher delivered lessons and made presentations. The second arrangement had separate tables set up for small group discussions. This demonstrated the teacher's flexibility in changing the seating position to accommodate various class activities. The teacher devised routines to encourage discipline and enthusiasm in the learning process, as well as a learning agreement with each student at the start of each lesson. The teacher used team-building exercises that required collaboration to reach a common objective as well as small group talks to encourage relationships among the students. In order to establish relationships with the pupils, the teacher also adopted a personal style, frequently encouraging them at the beginning of lessons and complimenting their efforts. The teacher used a variety of teaching tools, including a whiteboard for presentations and questioning and laptops and speakers for games, to keep the class interested and motivated.</p> Sri Wahyuni, Erwin Akib, Sujariati Copyright (c) 2024 English Language Teaching Methodology https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/556 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 STUDENTS’ BEHAVIOUR ON USING CANVA APPLICATION FOR ENGLISH PROJECT https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/1100 <p>Using technology is increasingly applied in teaching and learning in the 21st century. Technology has become an integral part of our lives and has greatly impacted various fields, including education. To adapt to increasingly massive learning technology, teachers need to be able to develop engaging and cutting-edge educational media for use in the classroom. Teachers today need to use more innovation to create engaging lessons. One of the popular platforms media in learning technology is the Canva application. This study aims to investigate students’ behaviour in the use of Canva applications for English projects. This research was conducted in January-March at SMPN 21 Semarang.&nbsp; Researchers used a descriptive qualitative method to describe qualitative data using questionnaires. The research sample was the 7th grade of SMPN 21 Semarang. The study results find that student behaviour using Canva application for English projects is a fun media for learning, enhancing students’ creativity, understanding, and motivation. But also, the Canva application has disadvantages such as the need for a stable connection and enough data for accessing the application.</p> Reni Hidayati Copyright (c) 2023 English Language Teaching Methodology https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/1100 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 REVOLUTIONIZING EDUCATION: UNVEILING THE GAME-CHANGING HYBRID LEARNING STRATEGIES OF FUTURE EDUCATORS https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/1443 <p>This study investigated the challenges prospective professional teachers face in implementing hybrid learning in their future classrooms. It explores the potential of hybrid learning, which combines online and in-person instruction, to revolutionize traditional education. The research involved 21 students from a private university in Surabaya, Indonesia, who participated in the Teacher Professional Development program. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews to gain insights into the participants' experiences and perspectives. A comprehensive analysis using both quantitative (descriptive statistics and inferential analysis) and qualitative (thematic analysis) methods identified key strategies for effectively implementing and carrying out hybrid learning. The findings highlight the importance of enhancing students' and teachers' learning competence, explaining the course structure, properly preparing and delivering lessons, and obtaining support from various stakeholders. Additionally, the study outlines the responsibilities of teachers in designing and delivering best-practice hybrid courses and emphasizes the essential support and policy obligations of educational institutions. This study fills a significant gap in implementing hybrid learning in education, providing valuable insights for future educational practices.</p> Samsul Khabib, Tri Indrayanti, Adam Romy Salsabilah Copyright (c) 2023 English Language Teaching Methodology https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/1443 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CONTEXTUAL, CONSOLIDATING, RECEIVING, RECOGNIZING, RETAINING, RETIEVING, AND RECYCLING (2C-5R) MODEL TO ENCHANCE THE STUDENTS ENGLISH VOCABULARY AT SMP GOWA RAYA MAKASSAR https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/724 <p>This research applied a pre-experimental method that spending two months periot of time to ceollectdata using pre-tes, treatment, and post-test. Data were taken from 21 srudents using a total sampling technique from the second grade of Gowa Raya Junior High School. the researcher found that the studets' vocabulary wa very slow, but after the treatment their vocabulary knowledge increased significantly as evidenced by the students' average results.The results of this study indicate that the difference in students' words is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test score. And the mean score of pre-test was 67.52, and the mean scoree of post-test was 84.47. It can be seen the improvment of pre-test and post-test was 16.96% then calculate the t-test value for vocabulary is 11.18 t-table is 2.086. the alternative hypothesis (H1) is accepted and the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected. It can be conclude that that the use of the 2C5R model can improve student achievement, especially for Gowa Raya high school students.</p> Rosmaladewi, Erwin Akib, Junaid Copyright (c) 2023 English Language Teaching Methodology https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.fkip.unismuh.ac.id/index.php/eltm/article/view/724 Sat, 30 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000