Journal of Computer Interaction in Education 2022-10-10T15:03:39+00:00 Muhammad Zia Ulhaq, S.Pd., M.TI Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Computer Interaction in Education (JCIE). The journal welcomes contribution in following topics: New methods for working with computer role in education, teaching with computer and interaction design in the classroom, studies of how student interact with and through technology, research about the use of, the design of, technologies for learning, sociality and communication, evaluation studies of new and emerging technologies designed for the student.</p> The Effectiveness of Using the Flipped English Classroom (Fec) Strategy at Eleven Grade UPT SMA Negeri 17 BONE 2022-08-20T00:51:31+00:00 Astiani Eny Syatriana Firman <p>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using the Flipped English Classroom strategy to improve students' reading comprehension skills in the eleventh grade of UPT SMA NEGERI 17 BONE. This research is pre-experimental, with a one-group pre-test post-test research design. The population of this research is 11th-grade students of UPT SMA NEGERI 17 BONE consisting of 6 classes, each of 22-27 students. The sample of this study was 22 students who were selected using the purposive sampling technique. The instruments used are pre-test and post-test. The results of this study indicate that the use of the Flipped English Classroom (FEC) learning strategy is effective in improving students' reading comprehension skills. This is proven by the students' mean scores on the Pre-Test and Post-Test. The mean score of students on the Pre-Test or before treatment shows a value of 30.68, while after being given treatment or Post-Test showed a value of 45.45. other than that, the value of Sig. (2-tailed) indicates a value of 0.001 with a Sig level value. (2-tailed) 0.05 (5%). It can be concluded that Sig. (2-tailed) 0.001 &lt; 0.05 means that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. In conclusion, this proves that the Flipped English Classroom (FEC) Strategy effectively improves students' reading comprehension skills.</p> 2020-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Journal of Computer Interaction in Education Problems Encountered In Oral Presentation Through Online Learning of The Students at English Education Department of Muhammadiyah University Of Makassar 2022-08-20T14:11:20+00:00 Dina Awalia Firman Sitti Maryam Hamid <p>Since pandemic of covid-19, the learning process transformed into online learning and become popular nowadays. This study aimed to find out the problem encountered in oral presentation through online learning of the students at English education department of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. This research applied a descriptive qualitative research design because it aimed to exploring the students problem in doing online presentation. The subject of the research was B class at fourth semester students of English department in Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in academic years 2021/2022. The students who had obstacles in doing presentation were invited and the total subject were 10 students. The interview were conducted as the instrument of the study based on the two aspects such as linguistic problem and non-linguistic problem. The result of this study showed that students had some problem in online oral presentation both in linguistic and non-linguistic aspects. The linguistic aspects consisted of material comprehension, fluency and accuracy. Furthermore, non-linguistic problem consisted of network and psychological factor such as self-esteem, anxiety, and motivation. The researcher hoped that the results of this study could have a good impact on teachers, students and future researchers as a reference to provide progress, especially in oral presentation.</p> 2020-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Journal of Computer Interaction in Education Investigating the Impact of Digital Literacy Instruction in Virtual School towards English Learning Program 2022-08-28T07:16:58+00:00 Nurul Ismi Astuti Ummi Khaerati Syam Ika Sastrawati <p>This research was to find out the impact of google forms that were used by the teacher as an assessment tool at SMK Persada Tamalatea. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. The instrument was employed through observation and interview to know the impact that the teacher felt using google form as an instructional technology tool in assessing students’ knowledge during distance learning at SMK Persada Tamalatea.Based on the results obtained, the results of this research indicate that the use of google forms has more positive than negative impacts on teachers in performing assessments during the pandemic situation. It can be concluded that the positive impacts are in terms of ease of use, efficiency in time, energy and cost, attractive appearance, helpful features, accuracy in scoring, minimized paper usage, and making the teacher more technologically literate. It is quite effective to develop it as an assessment tool in the learning process, especially in online learning. Nevertheless, it required a stable connection and google account. It is incapable of detecting fraud, requires additional security, and it cannot be adapted to the bold, italic and underlined word functionalities. However, teachers have their own ways of solving the problem.</p> 2020-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Journal of Computer Interaction in Education The Effect of British Accent Movie in Increasing Speaking Skills at SMA Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa 2022-09-02T11:30:29+00:00 Nurismi Muhammad Zia ul Haq Ika Sastrawati <p>This study aims to determine the improvement of students' speaking skills by using British Movies as a medium to improve students' speaking skills in terms of pronunciation. This study uses pre-experimental research with one class pre-test and post-test. The researcher used a purposive sampling technique. The sample of this study was the science students of SMA Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa for the academic year 2021/2022, totaling 8 students. The researcher used pictures as an instrument in the Pre-test and Post-test.students' pronunciation issues when speaking can be minimized using English films as evidenced by the results found, that the main score of students' pronunciation is 0.15 which is bad, the post-test 0.23 is sufficient and the increase from pre-test to post-test is 49, %.The results of the increase are also proven by the value of the t-test. The researcher found that the t-test was lower than the t-table, pronunciation (1.87 &lt; 1.891). it means that there is no significant increase, but there is an increase of about 49%. In other words, the use of British Movies can improve students' speaking skills in terms of pronunciation in Class XI SMA Muhammadiyah Sungguminasa.</p> 2020-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Journal of Computer Interaction in Education An analysis of Students' Perception on Paper and Electronic Dictionary in Writing Skills at the Ninth Grade of SMP Negeri 1 Takalar 2022-10-10T15:03:39+00:00 Riska Awaliyah Nurdevi Bte Abdul Herlina Daddi <p>This research has been designed to analyze students’ perception on paper and electronic dictionary to the students who studied at SMP Negeri 1 Takalar. This research used descriptive qualitative method. To obtain data of this research, the researcher used interview as an instrument. This research used 14 questions as the instrument for data collection. There were 22 students involved as participants of this research, they were selected by using purposive sampling technique.The result of this research revealed that students’ perception on paper and electronic dictionary. There were five of students’ perception toward paper dictionary such as paper dictionary was easy to use for students, paper dictionary helps students in writing skills, paper dictionary is easy to be carried, paper dictionary less costly than buying electronic dictionary and paper dictionary enhances students learning. On the other side, there were six of students’ perception toward electronic dictionary such as electronic dictionary was easy to use for students, electronic dictionary helps in writing skills, electronic dictionary is easy to be carried, many features are used in electronic dictionary, electronic dictionary less costly than buying paper dictionary, and electronic dictionary enhance students' learning. Therefore, it can be concluded that paper and electronic dictionary can help students in writing skills, but paper dictionary is more effectively can enhance students’ learning. Electronic dictionary is mostly used by the students. Paper dictionary has become a tool that easy to use for students and electronic dictionary has become a tool for the probability in which easy to be carried for students. The use of paper and electronic dictionary gives impacts for language learning.</p> 2020-12-25T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Journal of Computer Interaction in Education