of English for Specific Journal Systems<p>A subset of English as a second or foreign language. It usually refers to teaching the English language to university students or people already in employment, with reference to the particular vocabulary and skills they need. As with any language taught for specific purposes, a given course of ESP will focus on one occupation or profession.</p> PROBLEMS OF COMPATIBILITY BETWEEN ENGLISH TEACHING MATERIALS AND EDUCATION CURRICULUM OF TOURISM INDUSTRY AT SMK 1 GOWA2024-11-09T06:46:32+00:00Hardiyanti<p>This study aimed to find out the problems faced by vocational teachers in adjusting English teaching materials and Education Curriculum of Tourism Industry at SMK 1 Gowa. Besides that, this study also aimed to find out the needs of students majoring in the Tourism industry. This study used descriptive research involving table checklist, interviews, and questionnaires. The subjects of this study used purposive sampling consisting of 30 students and an English teacher. Research conducted at the Department of Tourism Industry, which is the newest department and was established in 2019, found that the English teaching materials used were English textbook published in 2014 or in other words, old editions. The researcher found that the teaching and learning instrument used was not too specific for the tourism industry. From the results of material analysis, researcher also found that the level of compatibility of teaching materials with core and basic competencies got a score of 80%, material accuracy got a score of 80%, and supporting materials got a score of 63.3%. In addition, students also need additional material from other books.</p>2024-06-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of English for Specific Purposes FOR LOCAL TOUR GUIDES IN TEACHING ENGLISH TO CHILDREN ON RINCA ISLAND, PASIR PANJANG VILLAGE, KECEMATAN KOMODO KABUPATEN MANGGARAI BARAT NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR (NTT)2024-11-09T06:37:18+00:00Santi<p>This study aims to find out: How do local tour guides teach English to children on Rinca Island? How do local tour guides improve the English language skills of children on Rinca Island? The data collection technique used is the observation of the data obtained and analyzed using qualitative descriptive with the stages of reducing data, displaying data and drawing conclusions, data validity techniques, namely methods or techniques. The results of the research and data analysis that will be carried out, researchers can conclude that children on Rinca Island on average have low English skills so that children on Rinca Island really need training, especially for speaking and listening skills. ) which is trained by a local tour guide. This also proves that the level of need of children on Rinca Island for English in supporting the development of tourism potential on Rinca Island is very minimal in English. One element that is no less important in the development of tourism is a tour guide. As for the supporting factors, namely, local tour guides have provided a place for children to master English. </p>2024-06-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of English for Specific Purposes FOR SPESIFIC PURPOSES: A NEED ANALYSIS OF NURSING STUDENTS AT UNIVERSITAS MEGAREZKI MAKASSAR2024-11-09T06:33:44+00:00Nurul Asri<p>This research aimed to find out the correct reference, need analysis is urgen to be done to obtained information about what the students really need to support their learning process at the present time or in the future career The researcher applied Descriptive Quantitative Method as design method because it was comparable to collect the data from the students‟ perception, and gave questionnaire tocollecting the data The population of this research consisted of the nursing students. Based on findings, it described the students‟ present situation did not meet the needs for ESP, especially English Nursing Faculty In addition, the main results obtained from this research showed that the students under investigation were aware of the importance of English for their studies and profession, but English teaching materials and their study program as nursing students was only partly relevant It can be concluded that the students need more specific English material and class, that is, ESP course for developing </p>2024-06-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of English for Specific Purposes STUDENTS NEED FOR ENGLISH FOR PSYCHOLOGY LEARNING IN ESP CONTEXT2024-11-09T06:40:46+00:00St. Rahmah Andi<p>This research aims to find the needs of students in English and find the importance of learning English in the Faculty of Psychology. This research conducted a qualitative descriptive approach. The object of this research is the students of the Faculty of Psychology from 4th semester and 8th semester psychology students. The researcher took 10 students. The sample was taken by using purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques used are semi-interview and documentation. The researcher found that there were some learning materials that wasn’t not related with the needs of Psychology students in learning English. Psychology students generally need four English skills in learning English where they are required to read international journals, articles, and textbooks that are indeed used by the Faculty of Psychology, Makassar State University. In addition, the researcher found that Psychology students had not been able to understand the importance of using English for them.</p>2024-06-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of English for Specific Purposes READING ABILITY FOR AUTISM STUDENTS BY USING READING GUIDE METHOD IN SLB NEGERI 1 MAKASSAR2024-11-09T06:43:50+00:00Rifki<p>This study aimed to find out the improvement in reading comprehension of autism students by using the Reading Guide Method, especially on the main ideas and supporting ideas in reading texts for ninth grade autism students at SLB Negeri 1 Makassar. This researcher used Classroom Action Research (CAR) which consisted of two cycles, and each cycle consisted of 4 meetings, the subjects in this study were the 9th grade Autism Students at SLB Negeri 1 Makassar which consisted of 4 autistic male students, the researchers obtained the results data using reading test and observation. The results of this research showed that the use of the Reading Guide Method is very helpful for students in improving students' literal comprehension in Class 9 SLB Negeri 1 Makassar. This can be seen from how much the improvement in student scores. Before the application of the Reading Guide Method, the D-Test value showed 6.5, after the application of the Reading Guide Method from the D-Test to the cycle I the average value became 7.125 (19.16%) and from the cycle I to the cycle II it became 7.75 (17.56%). The occurrence of this significant increase in literal comprehension is because the Reading Guide Method itself can improve students' literal comprehension, making students more active, interesting and motivated in learning reading English. Therefore, based on these results, it is recommended to use the Reading Guide Method on reading comprehension, especially in literal comprehension.</p>2024-06-12T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of English for Specific Purposes