Translation Ability, Difficulty, Linguistic Factor, Non-Linguistic FactorAbstract
The purpose of this research (1) To explain the outcome of the ability of students to translate Indonesian into English into narrative text (2) To define the factor influencing the difficulty of the fifth semester English department translation of students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. The research used quantitative descriptive analysis. Two instruments were used in this study: the test and the questionnaire. In the academic year 2019/2020, the fifth semester of the English department at Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar was the focus of this study. This analysis utilized a basic technique of random sampling. The sample of this research consisted of 37 from 220 students as the total population. The sample for this study consisted of a total population of 37 out of 220 students. Based on the interpretation essay test, the students showed that the sense score of 77.83 made it easier for them to translate the Indonesian test into English text. And the outcome of the questionnaire showed that the difficulty of interpreting narrative text was more prevalent than linguistic factors in the difficulty of non-linguistic factors. The highest percentage of student problems in the linguistics component is 51 percent.
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