The analysis Pedagogical Practices and taransformation to ICT on Learning and Achievement of the Certified English Teacher at SMPN 28 Selayar
Reading Pedagogic Competence , ICT, Cetification TeachersAbstract
The purpose of this study was to analyze pedagogic practices and changes in ICT in the learning and achievement of certified English teachers at SMPN 28 Selayar. This study uses qualitative research with a descriptive approach, using data collection techniques of observation, interviews, and documentation studies.Based on the findings, it was found that pedagogic practices and ICT changes in English learning were very good, this was seen from the enthusiastic English teachers in developing the potential of students, teachers always motivate students in the teaching and learning process to be more active in learning so that the potential possessed by students can increase. The learning activities carried out by the teacher are not only listening to learning in the classroom but also outside the classroom using several teaching methods. Group discussions and question and answer are methods that are very liked by students, of course, supported by learning media such as LCD projectors, radios, laptops and so on that can support learning so that students are highly motivated in participating in teaching and learning activities.
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