
  • JCIE:Journal of Computer Interaction in Education
    Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024)

    Journal of Computer Interaction in Education (JCIE) publishes academic articles which focuses on the implementation of  new methods for working with computer role in education, teaching with computer and interaction design in the classroom, studies of how student interact with and through technology, research about the use of, the design of, technologies for learning, sociality and communication, evaluation studies of new and emerging technologies designed for the student.

    Authors and Co-Authors:

    Sri Wahyuni, Eny syatriana, Yassir mallapiang;Mutmainnah Mutia Kahar, Nurdevi Bte abdullah, Eka Prabawati Rum;Guruh Yusuf Putra, Muh. Zia Ul Haq, Hilda Hafid;Jamila Amelia, Eka Prabawati Rum, Ariana;Suhariyanto Buchari, Sitti Maryam Hamid, Uyyunnasirah Hambali

  • JCIE:Journal of Computer Interaction in Education
    Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024)

    Journal of Computer Interaction in Education (JCIE) publishes academic articles which focuses on the implementation of  new methods for working with computer role in education, teaching with computer and interaction design in the classroom, studies of how student interact with and through technology, research about the use of, the design of, technologies for learning, sociality and communication, evaluation studies of new and emerging technologies designed for the student.

    Authors and Co-Authors:

    Afifah Maghfirah Mustaqim, Nurdevi Bte. Abdul, Muh. Arief Muhsin; Mulyani, Eny Syatriana , Muhammad Zia Ul Haq; Nur Intan, St. Asriati AM, Hijrah;Wandi Abi Mayu, Syamsiarna Nappu, Saiful; Salwa Lifana, Muhammad Arief Muhsin, Awalia Azis

  • JCIE: ICT Implementation in Teaching English
    Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023)

    Journal of Computer Interaction in Education (JCIE) publishes academic articles which focuses on the implementation of  new methods for working with computer role in education, teaching with computer and interaction design in the classroom, studies of how student interact with and through technology, research about the use of, the design of, technologies for learning, sociality and communication, evaluation studies of new and emerging technologies designed for the student.

    Authors and Co-Authors:

    Nur Faindah, Awalia Azis, Nur Qalbi; A. Muzkiah Idris, Muhammad Zia Ul Haq, Muhammad Astrianto Setiadi; Nurjannah, Nurdevi Bte Abdul , Sitti Maryam Hamid; Nurul Amalia Rizal, Nunung Anugrawati, Wildhan Burhanuddin; Rusni Rahmayani, Sujariati, Ardiana

  • JCIE : Mobile Assisted Language Learning
    Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023)

    Journal of Computer Interaction in Education (JCIE) publishes academic articles which focuses on the implementation of  new methods for working with computer role in education, teaching with computer and interaction design in the classroom, studies of how student interact with and through technology, research about the use of, the design of, technologies for learning, sociality and communication, evaluation studies of new and emerging technologies designed for the student.

    Authors and Co-Authors:

    Nurul Aulya Syam, Farisha Andi Baso, Ratu Yulianti Natsir; St. Syahruni Syam, Muhammad Zia Ul Haq, Ismail Sangkala; Nurul Fikri Islamiyah, Andi Asri Jumiaty , Wildhan Burhanuddin; Yulita Adriyanti, Sujariati, Ismail Sangkala; Nurhasanah Nurdin, Nunung Anugrawati, Andi Bulkis Maghfirah Mannong

  • JCIE:Journal of Computer Interaction in Education
    Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022)

    Journal of Computer Interaction in Education (JCIE) publishes academic articles which focuses on the implementation of  new methods for working with computer role in education, teaching with computer and interaction design in the classroom, studies of how student interact with and through technology, research about the use of, the design of, technologies for learning, sociality and communication, evaluation studies of new and emerging technologies designed for the student.

    Authors and Co-Authors:

    Nur Fajriah Indah Syarif, Sulfasyah, Muhammad Zia Ul Haq; Nahdaniar, Muhammad Zia Ul Haq, Ismail Sangkala; Nur Marwinda Ridwan, Muh. Arief Muhsin, Dzur Rif’ah Mahmudah; Eri Puspitasari, Ismail Sangkala, Ariana; Anindia Putri, Nur Qalbi, Awalia Azis

  • JCIE : Distance Learning, ICTs in Education
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022)

    Journal of Computer Interaction in Education (JCIE) publishes academic articles which focuses on the implementation of  new methods for working with computer role in education, teaching with computer and interaction design in the classroom, studies of how student interact with and through technology, research about the use of, the design of, technologies for learning, sociality and communication, evaluation studies of new and emerging technologies designed for the student.

    Authors and Co-Authors:

    Rahmiati, Saiful, Sujariati; Ayu Purnamasari, Ismail Sangkala, Ummi Khaerati Syam; Aulia Zamzani, Nunung Anugrawati, Junaid; Sri Hartati, Ummi Khaerati Syam, Hijrah; Nurul Afiah Suaib, Syamsiarna Nappu, Ismail Sangkala; Silmi Auliyah, Nurdevi Bte Abdul, Junaid Junaid

  • JCIE : Virtual Learning and Asynchronous Learning
    Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021)

    Journal of Computer Interaction in Education (JCIE) publishes academic articles which focuses on the implementation of  new methods for working with computer role in education, teaching with computer and interaction design in the classroom, studies of how student interact with and through technology, research about the use of, the design of, technologies for learning, sociality and communication, evaluation studies of new and emerging technologies designed for the student.

    Authors and Co-Authors:

    Andi Sri Fatul Rahma, Nur Qalbi, Farisha Andi Baso; Muhammad Zia ul Haq, Achmad Pangeran AdhyPutra, Erwin Akib; Ardiya Paramesti, Sulfasyah, Awalia Azis; Lisa Azaria Sukma Syam, Radiah Hamid, Andi Asri Jumiaty; Firmansyah, Nunung Anugrawati, St. Asmayanti AM; Reski Amelia, Bahrun Amin, Dzur Rif'ah Mahmudah; Sunarti, Ummi Khaerati Syam, Ardiana

  • JCIE : Mobile Assisted Language Learning
    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021)

    Journal of Computer Interaction in Education (JCIE) publishes academic articles which focuses on the implementation of  new methods for working with computer role in education, teaching with computer and interaction design in the classroom, studies of how student interact with and through technology, research about the use of, the design of, technologies for learning, sociality and communication, evaluation studies of new and emerging technologies designed for the student.

    Authors and Co-Authors:

    Irmayanti, Syamsiarna Nappu, Wildhan Burhanuddin; Riski Amrawati, Sulfasyah, Farisha Andi Baso;Nurul Azizah, Nur Qalbi, Awalia Azis;Syamsuriati, Farisha Andi Baso, Ilmiah;Ahmad Azhar, Muhammad Zia ul Haq, Sulkifli

  • JCIE:Journal of Computer Interaction in Education
    Vol. 3 No. 2 (2020)

    Journal of Computer Interaction in Education (JCIE) publishes academic articles which focuses on the implementation of  new methods for working with computer role in education, teaching with computer and interaction design in the classroom, studies of how student interact with and through technology, research about the use of, the design of, technologies for learning, sociality and communication, evaluation studies of new and emerging technologies designed for the student.

    Authors and Co-Authors:

    Astiani, Eny Syatriana, Firman; Dina Awalia, Firman, Sitti Maryam Hamid; Nurul Ismi Astuti, Ummi Khaerati Syam, Ika Sastrawati; Nurismi, Muhammad Zia ul Haq, Ika Sastrawati; Riska Awaliyah, Nurdevi Bte Abdul, Herlina Daddi

  • JCIE:Journal of Computer Interaction in Education
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020)

    Journal of Computer Interaction in Education (JCIE) publishes academic articles which focuses on the implementation of  new methods for working with computer role in education, teaching with computer and interaction design in the classroom, studies of how student interact with and through technology, research about the use of, the design of, technologies for learning, sociality and communication, evaluation studies of new and emerging technologies designed for the student.

    Authors and Co-Authors:

    Fikri Abdu Rahman, Erwin Akib, Junaid; Andi Multa Syam, Erwin Akib, Muhammad Asrianto Setiadi; Wika Rukmayana, Eny Syatriana , Muhammad Zia Ul Haq; Muhummad Ainul Hilmi, Ummi Khaerati Syam, Ariana; Annisa Reskiani, Radiah Hamid, Firman

  • JCIE:Journal of Computer Interaction in Education
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019)

    Journal of Computer Interaction in Education (JCIE) publishes academic articles which focuses on the implementation of  new methods for working with computer role in education, teaching with computer and interaction design in the classroom, studies of how student interact with and through technology, research about the use of, the design of, technologies for learning, sociality and communication, evaluation studies of new and emerging technologies designed for the student.

    Authors and Co-Authors:

    Reski Suci Ramadhani, Nunung Anugrawati, Ismail Sangkala; Rahmawati Rahmawati, Nunung Anugrawati, Ariana; Ahdiani, Ummi Khaerati Syam, Hilda Hafid; Amaluddin, Eny Syatriana, Hijrah; Ulandari, M. Arief Paturusi, Junaid

  • JCIE:Journal of Computer Interaction in Education
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2019)

    Journal of Computer Interaction in Education (JCIE) publishes academic articles which focuses on the implementation of  new methods for working with computer role in education, teaching with computer and interaction design in the classroom, studies of how student interact with and through technology, research about the use of, the design of, technologies for learning, sociality and communication, evaluation studies of new and emerging technologies designed for the student.

    Authors and Co-Authors:

    Andi Alyana Ramadhani, H. Bahrun Amin, Ismail Sangkala; Muthmainnah Febryanti, Nurdevi Bte Abdul, St. Asmayanti AM; Rosdiana, Saiful, Ariana; Alda, Sulfasyah, Muhammad Zia UI Haq; Yulkifli Amri Raya Duran, Nur Qalbi, Ismail Sangkala

  • JCIE : Teaching Media, Web-blog, CALL, MALL and Games Application for Language Skills Enhancement
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018)

    Journal of Computer Interaction in Education (JCIE) publishes academic articles that recognize successful engaged learning depends on effective partnerships between students, faculty, community agencies, administrators, disciplines, and more. The journal invites submission of 1) Research that emanates from or informs campus-community partnerships; 2) Studies co-authored by faculty, students, and/or community partners; 3) Literature and Teaching English as Foreign Language; and 4) Commentary on emerging trends, developments, and/or challenges. The publication of this journal aims to spread conceptual thinking or ideas and the research findings obtained in the field of English Education and Literature.
    Authors and Co-Authors:
    A. Yuniarti Dian Pratiwi, Hasnawati Latief, Radiah Hamid; Andriani, Erwin Akib, Amar Ma'ruf; Ikmul Sari, Sulfasyah, Farisha Andi Baso; Ita Adryani Syam , Nurdevi Bte Abdul, Saiful; Jubaidah, Bahrun Amin, Ardiana; Muh. Saefullah Al Fauzan , Ummi Khaerati Syam, Herlina Daddi; Musdalifah, Nurdevi Bte Abdul, Saiful; Nurahdatul Inayah , Erwin Akib, Muhammad Arief Muhsin; Siti Reski Nanda , Nurdevi Bte Abdul, Herlina Daddi; Zurtia Musdir, St. Asriati AM, Farisha Andi Baso

  • JCIE:Perception, Music Video, Mobile Learning and Social Media toward Language Skills
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018)

    Journal of Computer Interaction in Education (JCIE) publishes academic articles that recognize successful engaged learning depends on effective partnerships between students, faculty, community agencies, administrators, disciplines, and more. The journal invites submission of 1) Research that emanates from or informs campus-community partnerships; 2) Studies co-authored by faculty, students, and/or community partners; 3) Literature and Teaching English as Foreign Language; and 4) Commentary on emerging trends, developments, and/or challenges. The publication of this journal aims to spread conceptual thinking or ideas and the research findings obtained in the field of English Education and Literature.
    Authors and Co-Authors:
    Amelia Askin, Erwin Akib, Awalia Azis; Armita Sari Rahman, Bahrun Amin, Saiful; Erika Meydina, M. Basri Dalle, Amar Ma'ruf; Irna Wardani, Andi Tenri Ampa, Nurdevi Bte Abdul; Murniati, Syamsiarna Nappu, Muhammad Astrianto Setiadi; Nurhidaya, Ratu Yulianti Natsir; Rika Herlina, Erwin Akib, Amar Ma'ruf; Risnawati HM, Syamsiarna Nappu, Nunung Anugrawati; Sandra Susanti, Bahrun Amin, Maharida