
  • Juswandi Juswandi Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar,Indonesia
  • Saiful Saiful Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar,Indonesia
  • Dzur Rif'ah Mahmudah Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar,Indonesia


Error , Vowel , Reading Narrative Text


The principal objective of this examination that were to figure out the sorts of elocution mistakes on lengthy vowel and short vowel were made by the understudies. The technique for this examination was illustrative subjective exploration which depicted exactly about the mistakes that were delivered by the understudies. The example comprised of 15 understudies taken from 3 classes of the fourth Semester English Department, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in scholarly year 2021/2022. The information were gathered by keep elocution in oral test, then interpreted. The information assortment was investigated utilizing rate strategies. This examination observed that there were 2 sorts of articulation mistakes on vowels made by the fourth Semester English Department, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in scholarly year 2021/2022, they were blunders in articulating long vowels and blunders in articulating short vowels. From the outcomes, the majority of understudies created elocution blunder on the long vowels /eɪ/, /I:/, /aɪ:/, /oʊ:/, /ju:/and with the largest number mistakes on lengthy vowel /eɪ/. It was demonstrated for around 80% understudies articulated /meid/ for /mɛd/ in word "Made". In the interim, the understudies made blunders on the short vowel /æ/ , /ɛ/, /ɪ/, /ɑ/, /ʌ/, and /ʌ/ with the biggest number mistakes on short vowel /ʌ/. It was demonstrated for around 26 , 6% understudies articulated /bʌt/ for /bət/ in word "However". All in all the outcomes showed that greater part of the fourth semester English division Muhammadiyah University of Makassar made elocution mistakes on lengthy vowel /eɪ/and short vowel /ʌ/.

Author Biography

Juswandi Juswandi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar,Indonesia

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan.


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How to Cite

Juswandi, J., Saiful, S., & Mahmudah, D. R. (2022). AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ ERROR ON ENGLISH VOWELS PRONUNCIATION IN READING NARRATIVE TEXT. Journal of Applied Linguistics Studies, 1(1), 22–30. Retrieved from


